At the time of data transfer in the phone's memory card suddenly take off or become damaged in any way, it may be rendered useless if the connection is interrupted.
In many ways, but not in motion such unhelpful memory card completely damaged and apparently almost lost card data recovery software can be used to fix.
Windows 7 Start menu, type cmd and press the button on the right to open it, select Run as administrator. To launch the command prompt, chkdsk m: / r and press Enter. The m: drive to the memory card. The computer will show the type of card, check the disk drive letter to be done the day.
When you press y to convert lost chains to files message. If the file structure of the card can be used again. If the memory card invalid file system by right-clicking the drive, click Format-. Select File system from FAT to unchecked the Quick format- click the Format-. After losing memory card format card data will not be lost.Source :
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